Our research approach is designed to strategically include several types of activities that are taking place simultaneously.
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The first step on creating health care for the people, by the people. Listening.
Affordability, Research, State Efforts
How States are Standardizing Consumer Affordability
Health care affordability is top of mind for policymakers and consumers alike, cutting across political affiliation, income, race and geography.
Affordability, Press Release, Research
New Analysis Shows Premiums for Employer Sponsored Health Coverage Increasing Faster Than Incomes in Most States
United States of Care’s latest issue brief, developed in collaboration with Penn LDI, delves into the state-level impact of employer-sponsored insurance on working families in relation to their income. The analysis reveals that from 2010 to 2016, healthcare premiums outpaced income growth. Across the country, a significant portion of incomes is being consumed by premiums, placing a considerable burden on working families who are now confronted with difficult choices regarding their healthcare expenses. By shedding light on the issue of healthcare costs, the issue brief aims to contribute to the ongoing national discourse and assist policymakers in comprehending the effects of these costs on the individuals they represent.
Press Release, Public Option, Research
Polling Shows Medicaid Buy-in Has Capacity to Cross Political Healthcare Divide
Most Americans support Medicaid Buy-in proposals for more affordable health care, regardless of party affiliation. Our research in New Mexico and nationally shows health care costs and access are among the public’s top concerns. A buy-in would allow individuals who are not currently eligible for Medicaid to purchase state-sponsored coverage similar to Medicaid. Read the complete polling memo for more.
Public Option, Research, Resources
Medicaid Buy-in: Crossing Healthcare’s Political Divide
Medicaid Buy-in could help bridge the political divide in health care and provide predictability and security. Our polling memo summarizes research and reveals that people support Medicaid Buy-In, which is currently not a politicized issue. As the cost of health care continues to be a driving concern for voters, Medicaid Buy-in could offer an effective solution.
News & Updates, Research, Resources, State Efforts
USofCare Interested Parties Memo – 2019 Potential State Policy Trends
United States of Care has spent the last six months listening and learning from health care leaders in states across the country. We have visited four states and held conversations with more than 20. USofCare continues to work to fill gaps and help states make progress. Based on our outreach, we found several areas we believe state activity will be focused on.
News & Updates, Research, Resources, State Efforts
Health Care Remains Americans’ Biggest Worry. States Can Get On The Case First.
According to a new Gallup poll, Americans worry most about the availability and affordability of health care. States can act now to develop and implement policy solutions, and we support states’ wide range of approaches that fit their own needs. USofCare aims to bring resources to state leaders to support their work.
Federal Efforts, News & Updates, Research, Resources, State Efforts
Health Affairs Blog: States That Have Aimed To Close The Coverage Gap—What Can We Learn?
The healthcare system could afford each person $10,000—if not for wasted costs and ineffective care. By closing the coverage gap, everyone in the U.S. could have access to health care. USofCare is partnering with Penn LDI to develop research-backed resources and approaches to policymakers. This report identifies common challenges encountered by states in attempts to close the coverage gap, summarizes important lessons learned, and highlights the themes across states.
News & Updates, Research, Resources
Survey Results: Informed and Engaged Citizens’ Views on Health Care
Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies’ online survey showed us that 9 in 10 people want to put health care over politics. The survey also found that people prioritize quality, affordable health care over coverage.