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Press Release, Public Option, Research

Polling Shows Medicaid Buy-in Has Capacity to Cross Political Healthcare Divide

Published On January 29, 2019

Nationally 78 percent of registered voters believe Medicaid Buy-in should be a priority for their state legislature.

Washington, D.C. – Recent polling conducted by United States of Care (US of Care) finds that the majority of Americans, regardless of party, support Medicaid Buy-in proposals as pathways to more affordable health care.

US of Care conducted public opinion research in New Mexico (November 19-21, 2018)–and nationally (November 16-29, 2018)–focused on the idea of Medicaid Buy-in. A buy-in would allow individuals who are not currently eligible for Medicaid to purchase state-sponsored coverage similar to Medicaid.

“Regardless of the politics of the moment, people want to know that if they are sick or injured they can see a doctor and afford their treatment. This research confirms that voters value predictability and security when it comes to health care and that they support policies, like Medicaid Buy-in, that increase access to affordable care,” said Dr. J. Mario Molina, US of Care Founder’s Council member and President of Golden Shore Medical Group.

Our research in New Mexico and nationally shows health care costs and access are among the public’s top concerns. Nationally 88 percent of voters think that health care should be affordable for themselves and their neighbors. In New Mexico, when it came to health care, expense was the top concern among Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

The same surveys showed that the idea of Medicaid Buy-in has wide support. In New Mexico, the support was 74 percent overall. Nationally, 78 percent thought the idea was an important next step to affordability.

In the national survey, participants were asked who was best suited to tackle the issue of Medicaid Buy-in and 56 percent think that state governments should lead this charge.

Medicaid Buy-in receives broad support in New Mexico from Democrats, Republicans, and Independents whose support did not dip below 60 percent at 81, 62, and 77 percents respectively. This solid level of support from all political groups further demonstrates that the appeal of buy-in proposals bypasses partisan lines.

“Medicaid Buy-in has strong support with voters of all political stripes in New Mexico for a couple of reasons. First, it places the state in charge of bringing affordable health care to their residents, and second, polls show 66 percent of New Mexicans view the New Mexico Medicaid program positively,” added John McCarthy, Policy Fellow at United States of Care. “States have long been the policy laboratories where new ideas can be developed and tested, and buying into a Medicaid-like plan is no exception.”

“As the Director of Casa de Salud, a clinic that primarily serves uninsured patients as well as patients with Medicaid, I know that the Medicaid Buy-in would be a win for the physical, emotional, and financial well-being of our patients — and a win for the financial, emotional, and overall health of our society. New Mexico deserves a Medicaid Buy-in option,” added Dr. Anjali Taneja, Executive Director of Casa de Salud.

New Mexico Together for Healthcare has been studying this option for nearly two years and knows that it is the most viable option for ensuring access to affordable, quality health care.

Find the complete polling memo here.

About NM Together for Healthcare:

NM Together for Healthcare is a statewide, multiracial coalition of families and community organizations working together to strengthen healthcare access in New Mexico, led by Strong Families New Mexico, New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty, and Health Action New Mexico. The campaign’s website is

Follow the campaign on Facebook @NMTogether4Healthcare and Twitter @NMT4HC.