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Resources, State Efforts

United States of Care Outlines the Section 1332 Waiver Application Process in a New Innovative Guide for Policymakers

Published On August 3, 2023

In recent years, policymakers have increasingly pursued innovative solutions to expand health care coverage and address increasing costs in the insurance market. Many have leveraged Section 1332 waivers to do this, enabling states to create innovative methods for delivering high-quality, cost-effective health care by waiving sections of the ACA, while still maintaining fundamental safeguards and protections for people. 

Currently, 19 states have received approval for 1332 waivers. 15 of those states have used 1332 waivers to establish reinsurance programs for their states, and in recent years, states have been exploring other uses for 1332 waivers in an effort to provide more choice, competition, and affordability to their consumers. Many of these states have leveraged their waivers to access federal “pass-through” funding equivalent to the amount of money individuals would have received for premium tax credits (PTCs) and cost-sharing reductions without the waiver. This funding can then be reinvested by states to meet the specific needs of their populations and implement additional affordability measures. 

Check out our new guide for policymakers, breaking down each essential step in the process, offering guidelines, best practices, and estimated timelines for states to navigate the 1332 application process below: