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USofCare Preventive Services Hub

The Affordable Care Act’s preventive services mandate requires most private health plans to provide people with access to preventive services – including cancer screenings, immunizations, contraception, and behavioral health assessments – at no cost. The Braidwood v. Becerra case seeks to challenge the mandate by threatening to eliminate free access to critical preventative care services for more than 150 million people, including approximately 37 million children. 

On June 21, 2024 the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a mixed ruling in Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra that largely upheld the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) free preventive services mandate while allowing specific exemptions for the case’s plaintiffs. United States of Care (USofCare) issued a press release marking this decision and continues to monitor its aftermath closely as stakeholders consider what it means for their constituencies.

For more information about the Circuit Court decision and its impact on people’s access to care, check out the following resources developed by our partners:

Mapping ACA Protections: States Safeguarding Preventive Services

All preventive services bills introduced since the initial Braidwood v. Becerra District Court decision

States with Laws Protecting Cost-Free Access to Preventive Services

Our Resources

Below, you can find a frequently updated list of USofCare and partner resources about the Braidwood case, how it impacts consumers, and what partners and policymakers can do to ensure that people have free access to preventive services.

USofCare Submitted Testimony
Regarding Preventive Care

Additional Resources


The O’Neill Institute’s Health Care Litigation Tracker includes detailed information on the Braidwood case, including a list of major filings, amicus briefs, and more. Select filings can also be found below:


U.S. Department of Labor

Center for American Progress (CAP)


Watch our Briefings and Webinars

Braidwood v. Becerra: The Private Sector’s Role in Protecting Preventive Services
(June 26, 2024)

Braidwood v. Becerra: An Update and Overview to Support State Advocacy
(June 6, 2023):

Want more information?
Below are our previous posts on Braidwood


September 20:

FACT SHEET: Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra Challenges Preventive Services Requirement Under the Affordable Care Act

This is a fact sheet outlining the Braidwood decision would affect people’s access to care.

September 14:

CHART: 2023 USPSTF Recommendations Impacted by Braidwood Decision

This chart breaks down the various services recommended by the US Preventive Services Task Force and how they’d be affected by the Braidwood decision.

March 30:

United States of Care Issues Statement in Response to Ruling in Braidwood Management v. Becerra Case

This is USofCare’s CEO & Co-Founder’s official statement on Braidwood v. Becerra

March 21:

FACT SHEET: No-Cost Preventive Services Affected by Braidwood Decision

This is a 2-page PDF that shows which preventive services might be affected by Braidwood