COVID-19, Resources
Playbook and Case Study of NYC COVID-19 Coalition

[UPDATED: August 27, 2020]
The New York City COVID-19 Rapid Response Coalition, made up of cross-sector health care and non-health care companies, formed to serve at-risk populations during the 2020 pandemic. United States of Care drafted a playbook to highlight replicable approaches, methods, and partnerships that may be valuable in other communities across the country. Five months after the Coalition’s March 2020 founding, Public Health Solutions (PHS) took over management of the project. PHS will maintain efforts beyond the immediate pandemic response, continue to treat underserved people with unique needs at high volumes, and focus on tracking outcomes as they connect New Yorkers to social services.
In the latest version of the Playbook, we explain the management handoff and highlight some of the latest data from the impact of the Coalition. We also break down the goals, tactics, and work streams used by the Coalition to stand up an emergent response.
Even though the incidence of COVID-19 may be past its peak in New York City, at-risk populations will still benefit from integrated, collaborative care and services. Many localities–particularly those with a system of legacy health care and social service solutions–would continue to benefit from a commitment to partnerships and coordination across the fragmented health care system.