Affordability, Dependable Coverage, Maine, News & Updates, Research, State Efforts
Maine Voices: New Research on Health Care Affordability & Access
Affordability & Access in Maine
Maine has made substantial progress in increasing health care coverage for residents in recent years by expanding Medicaid, establishing a state-based Marketplace, and broadening eligibility for children. While these efforts have significantly increased health insurance coverage, Maine people, including those with insurance, continue to struggle with the high and rising cost of health care.
USofCare believes that sustainable improvement within the health care system starts by listening to people and including them in every step of the process. To better understand Mainers’ experiences with health care we hosted a series of community listening sessions with consumers and employers in diverse communities across the state. The following reports detail findings and policy recommendations that we hope will be instructive to policymakers working to improve access and affordability of health care in and outside of Maine.
Consumer Voices from Washington County
Consumer Voices from Auburn-Lewiston
Employer Voices from Portland