State Efforts
We are working in states to expand access to quality, affordable, health care – because people can’t wait for a perfect solution from Washington, D.C.
Learn more about our state policy efforts.
Federal Efforts, Resources, State Efforts
2023 State Priorities and Resources for Policymakers
Affordability, Nevada, News & Updates, Public Option, State Efforts
USofCare Overview of Nevada’s Recent and Promising Public Option Actuarial Analysis
In June 2021, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak signed into law legislation making Nevada the second state to establish a public…
Affordability, News & Updates, Oregon, Public Option, State Efforts
USofCare and OSPIRG Collaborate to Summarize Oregon’s Bridge Plan Task Force Preliminary Recommendations
In the below brief, USofCare and OSPIRG summarize the Task Force’s preliminary recommendations for implementation of the Bridge Plan.
Affordability, Dependable Coverage, State Efforts
July 27 Virtual Event: “What the public health emergency unwinding means for people enrolled in Medicaid”
On Wednesday, July 27, USofCare and Softheon presented “What the public health emergency (PHE) unwinding means for people enrolled in Medicaid” with expert hosts and panelists.
Affordability, News & Updates, State Efforts, Washington
United States of Care Urges Federal Approval of Washington’s 1332 Waiver Application to Support Continued Affordability Initiatives
On July 14, 2022, United States of Care submitted the below comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in support of Washington’s 1332 Waiver Application as a promising opportunity to improve health coverage and health equity for all Washingtonians.
Affordability, News & Updates, Oregon, Public Option, State Efforts
United States of Care Provides Comment to Oregon Policymakers on the Market Impacts and Plan Design of the Bridge Plan
On July 12th, USofCare provided written public comment for a meeting of the Bridge Plan Task Force created under HB 4035 that is tasked with designing the plan — including assessing the market impacts, and the plan’s benefits, costs, and reimbursement rates.
Affordability, Colorado, News & Updates, Public Option, State Efforts
Colorado’s Section 1332 Innovation Waiver Explainer
In June 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved Colorado’s section 1332 innovation waiver request to create the ‘Colorado Option,’ the state’s public health insurance option, setting a new model to advance state health insurance affordability.
Affordability, News & Updates, Oregon, Public Option, State Efforts
United States of Care Provides Comment to Oregon Policymakers on the Reimbursement Rates and Provider and Plan Participation in the Bridge Plan
On June 16th, United States of Care provided written public comment for a meeting of the Bridge Plan Task Force created under HB 4035 that is tasked with designing the plan — including the reimbursement rates and provider and plan participation
Affordability, News & Updates, Oregon, Public Option, State Efforts
United States of Care Provides Informational Testimony to Oregon’s Interim Senate Health Committee on Options for a State-Based Health Insurance Marketplace
On June 2nd, USofCare’s Director of Policy Solutions, Liz Hagan, was invited to provide informational testimony to the Oregon Senate Health Committee on options for Oregon to move to a State-Based Marketplace (SBM)