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Resources, State Efforts
2019 State Health Policy Progress
As many state legislative sessions draw to a close, it’s time to take stock of the significant progress state lawmakers made so far this year.
Affordability, Dependable Coverage, Resources
Health Affairs: Measuring The Burden Of Health Care Costs For Working Families
The rising costs for individuals and families with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) have been overlooked compared to costs in the individual market or public programs. The majority of non-elderly Americans rely on ESI for coverage, so affordability concerns for this group should be a priority. View our full brief, created jointly with Penn LDI, to learn more.
Affordability, Dependable Coverage, News & Updates, Resources
The Burden of Health Care Costs for Working Families
Growing concern about the affordability of health care frequently appears in public debate about the next phase of health care reform. This brief, which was created between United States of Care and Penn’s Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics, provides state-level data on the cost burden faced by working families who have employer-sponsored insurance (ESI). While not all working families have ESI, it is the most common form of health insurance in the United States. We examine how this burden varies across states, and how it has changed within states from 2010 to 2016.
Affordability, Public Option, Resources
Playbook Launched to Help States Explore Medicaid Buy-In to Bring More Affordability and Stability to Health Care
Today, USofCare launched and a Medicaid Buy-in Playbook. Informed by conversations with lawmakers and advocates, these the website and playbook aim to support states as they undertake efforts to increase access to affordable health care through Medicaid buy-in. United States of Care is also supporting state efforts to explore Medicaid buy-in through on-the-ground engagement, strategic consultation and public opinion research.
Public Option, Research, Resources
Medicaid Buy-in: Crossing Healthcare’s Political Divide
Medicaid Buy-in could help bridge the political divide in health care and provide predictability and security. Our polling memo summarizes research and reveals that people support Medicaid Buy-In, which is currently not a politicized issue. As the cost of health care continues to be a driving concern for voters, Medicaid Buy-in could offer an effective solution.
Resources, State Efforts
2019 State Outlook: 5 Opportunities for Bipartisan Collaboration
With electing season ending, it’s time to see how newly elected leaders can take action on health care and deliver on their promises to voters. Our new report highlights 5 bipartisan opportunities to improve health care in America, including expanding access to care and lowering costs. The insightful report provides a roadmap for policymakers, health care leaders, and advocates to collaborate on solutions that benefit all Americans.
Affordability, Resources, State Efforts
“Surprise” Medical Bills: State Opportunities to Protect Patients
Most people hope that being covered by health insurance will protect them from financial ruin if they are sick or injured. However, people with insurance can receive unexpected “surprise” medical bills after they seek care, even if they were treated at a facility within their network. Read the full brief about surprise medical bills.
Public Option, Resources, State Efforts
Medicaid Buy-In: State of Play
As states look for opportunities to control insurance costs, stabilize their insurance markets and provide consumers with more options, Medicaid Buy-in is emerging as a potential solution under consideration in many states. Medicaid Buy-in is generating excitement from both consumer groups and state governments interested in improving health insurance affordability and choice. Fourteen states are in various stages of exploring Medicaid Buy-in, and each state’s approach will likely be designed differently to meet the state’s unique needs.
Affordability, News & Updates, Resources
What is “Affordable” Health Care?
“Affordability” of health care is a common concern, but the term is rarely defined. This brief considers the different types of affordability and reviews a range of measures that capture the cost burden for different types of individuals and families. It also identifies key issues policymakers should consider to transform affordability into a policy aim.