Public Option
A “public option” is an emerging solution that would create a high quality, dependable, more affordable option for health insurance.
See why we’ve made public option a priority.
Press Release, Public Option, Research
Polling Shows Medicaid Buy-in Has Capacity to Cross Political Healthcare Divide
Most Americans support Medicaid Buy-in proposals for more affordable health care, regardless of party affiliation. Our research in New Mexico and nationally shows health care costs and access are among the public’s top concerns. A buy-in would allow individuals who are not currently eligible for Medicaid to purchase state-sponsored coverage similar to Medicaid. Read the complete polling memo for more.
Public Option, Research, Resources
Medicaid Buy-in: Crossing Healthcare’s Political Divide
Medicaid Buy-in could help bridge the political divide in health care and provide predictability and security. Our polling memo summarizes research and reveals that people support Medicaid Buy-In, which is currently not a politicized issue. As the cost of health care continues to be a driving concern for voters, Medicaid Buy-in could offer an effective solution.
Public Option, Resources, State Efforts
Medicaid Buy-In: State of Play
As states look for opportunities to control insurance costs, stabilize their insurance markets and provide consumers with more options, Medicaid Buy-in is emerging as a potential solution under consideration in many states. Medicaid Buy-in is generating excitement from both consumer groups and state governments interested in improving health insurance affordability and choice. Fourteen states are in various stages of exploring Medicaid Buy-in, and each state’s approach will likely be designed differently to meet the state’s unique needs.
Public Option, State Efforts
NM Exploring Medicaid Buy-In as a Pathway to Coverage for All
The opportunity to purchase Medicaid coverage could be beneficial for many consumers in the state.