Our team continues to provide dynamic, real-time resources for federal and state leaders responding to the pandemic.
See why we’ve made the COVID-19 pandemic a priority.
COVID-19, State Efforts
State Spotlight April 21, 2020
COVID-19, Research
#VoicesOfRealLife – Episode 5 – Donnie Pt. 3
Donnie the UPS driver returns to discuss his anxiety, the eerie feeling he has about this being the new normal, and his hope for the future.
COVID-19, Resources
#stayhome: Messaging Best Practices
COVID-19, State Efforts
State Spotlight April 15, 2020
Check out this snapshot of the most interesting and innovative action we saw in states over the last week from the public and private sectors.
COVID-19, Federal Efforts
April 14, 2020: Next Set of Federal Policy Recommendations to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19, Resources
Reflections from a Cardiovascular Physician Assistant During COVID-19 Pandemic
As a cardiovascular physician assistant, I have been vaguely aware of coronavirus (COVID-19) since the beginning of its global spread.
COVID-19, Resources
COVID-19 Doesn’t Discriminate. Neither Should Our Care.
COVID-19, Resources
Playbook and Case Study of NYC COVID-19 Coalition
COVID-19, Federal Efforts, Resources
March 31 Tele-Briefing: Three Expert Physicians Offer Unique COVID-19 Perspectives to Capitol Hill
USofCare held a tele-briefing for top U.S. House and Senate health care staffers, along with officials from executive departments .