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United States of Care Turns One

Published On February 6, 2019

By: Emily Barson

We launched United States of Care around a simple but ambitious goal — that everyone in this country should have affordable health care. We believe people are more aligned around this end goal than current politics would have us believe, and we embarked on this effort to make sure that people and patients are at the center of this work.

The system needs to work better for everyone – sick and healthy; old and young; rural and urban; lower, middle, upper income; people of all backgrounds and cultures. The need for care doesn’t spare any of us, so we need to all work together on forging a health care system that really focuses on people — on patients — and not on the political divisions that so often sidetrack the conversation from that focus.

At our one-year anniversary, we are proud and energized by the progress United States of Care has made towards our mission to ensure that every single American has access to quality, affordable health care regardless of health status, social need, or income. In 2018, we laid the groundwork to meet this goal by leveraging the expertise of our Founder’s Council, sharing our research, and forming meaningful connections between state leaders, health care experts, and community members.

Highlights from our first year include:

  • Partnering with advocates in New Mexico to expand affordable coverage via a Medicaid Buy-in proposal. United States of Care has supported on-the-ground efforts with policy development, stakeholder support, and strategic guidance. We also hired a local project manager and conducted state-based public opinion research.
  • Engaging in a “Listening Tour” with policymakers, community members and health care leaders in more than 20 states
  • Conducting public opinion research to learn more about attitudes surrounding Medicaid Buy-in and find common ground in the health care debate
  • Creating a library of original policy resources to guide policymakers and health care stakeholders pursuing actionable, sustainable health care solutions

Looking ahead, we plan to use this knowledge as a national call to action, shaping policies and supporting reform efforts to make affordable health care a reality.

Thank you to all who have helped us advocate for quality, affordable care for all Americans. Our work would not be possible without your involvement and support! Please consider contributing to support United States of Care’s mission and efforts.