Federal Efforts, News & Updates, Virtual Care
In the News: USofCare Lays Out Vision For Innovation Center To Achieve Equity
COVID-19, Virtual Care
Virtual Care Video Series
Nevada, Public Option, State Efforts
State News: Nevada introduces a state public health insurance option
Lawmakers just introduced a bill to create the Nevada Public Option, a plan that would create a new statewide coverage choice for Nevadans and one that would bring down costs and make quality insurance accessible for many more people.
Affordability, Federal Efforts
United States of Care Praises American Families Plan Inclusion of Health Insurance Affordability Measure
$200B in Affordable Care Act Subsidies Will Keep Health Care Affordable on ACA Marketplace
CMMI, COVID-19, Federal Efforts, Virtual Care
Creating a Better Health Care System in the Wake of COVID-19: Models & Recommendations for People
Public Option
The American Rescue Plan made strides toward durable coverage. States can — and should — do more.
Press Release
USofCare Releases “Just the Facts on COVID-19 Vaccines”
USofCare released a fact sheet about the COVID-19 vaccines in reaction to a congressional hearing about social media’s role in the spread of misinformation.
Research, Resources, Virtual Care
Barriers to Virtual Care Access Impacting Already Underserved Communities
Resources, Virtual Care
March 24 Webinar: Action Steps to Address Patients’ Barriers to Accessing Virtual Care