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United Solutions for Care
Goal One: Affordability

We recognize that cost is people’s primary source of anxiety when it comes to health care and often times prevents people from getting the care they need.

This is the top challenge people want addressed.

Why Affordability is a Priority

When Americans are paying the highest health care prices in the world, it’s not surprising that when asked to choose which aspect of the U.S. health care system most needs improvement, affordability was chosen by a majority of voters (51%) and more than twice as much as the next closest option (USofCare poll).

Health care has become unaffordable for both families and state/federal governments. Cost is the overwhelming reason that 42% of voters have foregone health insurance in the past and 41% of those under 30 have opted not to seek medical treatment in the last year (USofCare poll)

Our Approach

USofCare is working to make sure that people across the country have certainty they can afford their health care. People want to know that they can afford the care they receive and that they won’t have to choose between their health and potential bankruptcy.

Our objective is to identify and push for solutions at the state and federal levels that will bring down the cost of care for people and their families.

Our current initiatives include:

  • Driving a multi-state approach to expanding coverage through public option.
  • Conducting deep listening and public opinion research to understand people’s experiences and the targeted solutions that will benefit their bottom line.
  • Leading a multi-state learning collaborative to support states in developing and utilizing new ways of measuring health care affordability.
  • Identify lasting solutions and provide policymakers with evidence to make informed decisions on key levers to tackle cost issues.

Policy Principles

Informed by listening to thousands of people across the country, USofCare’s United Solutions for Care agenda represents a set of four goals and twelve targeted and achievable solutions to help us build a fairer health care system. The policy principles outlined below respond to one of those twelve solutions: reducing or eliminating out-of-pocket costs.

Explore Our Other Priorities

We prioritize improvements informed by our desired outcomes that will build the health care system people want.

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