Research, Resources, Virtual Care
Playbook – Older Adults’ Experience of Virtual Care: Action Steps to Increase Access and Equity

This playbook offers learnings and lessons for health care providers and policymakers from older adults’ experiences of virtual health care during the pandemic:
- How older adults’ experiences can guide virtual care model design and policy development
- Barriers and concerns older adults encountered when accessing virtual care, and how to address them
- Three care model approaches to integrating virtual care within the older adult population
Recommended action steps are provided that reflect patient priorities and ensure an equitable future through virtual care. This includes implementation and policy goals that support older adults’ access to virtual care going into the future.
Playbook Contents:
- Executive Summary (page 7)
- Identifying the Problem and Potential for Older Adults (page 16)
- Listening to Older Adults to Drive Meaningful Change (page 21)
- Case Studies (page 35)
- Recommendations to Health Care Providers and Policymakers (page 68)
- Conclusion (page 71)