Colorado, Press Release, Public Option, State Efforts
USofCare Applauds Passage of Colorado’s Competitive State Insurance Option
Washington, DC – Today, United States of Care issued the following statement applauding the passage of Colorado’s HB19-1004, a bipartisan bill to develop a competitive state insurance option:
“We applaud the bipartisan group of legislators on their success passing and Governor Polis signing into law a requirement for Colorado to develop a state health insurance option. The bill seeks to make health care more affordable for Coloradans in communities where consumers have few options for health care coverage. There are fourteen counties in Colorado that only have a single health insurance carrier in the state exchange and premiums have grown 45%, on average, since 2014 in the individual and small group markets,” said Kristin Wikelius, Senior Policy Director.
“Colorado’s progress demonstrates that state legislators can reach across the aisle and pass meaningful legislation in a bipartisan way. One of our core principles is increasing access and affordability for Americans and this bill is a huge step in the right direction for the people of Colorado.” continued Wikelius.
Learn more about the bill on our blog here.