Liz Hagan is the Director of Policy Solutions at US of Care, where she focuses on state and federal policies to improve and expand health coverage. In this position, she works with a range of national and state stakeholders to identify, disseminate, and scale up promising approaches to health care.
Liz has a proven record of connecting the dots between state and federal policies and moving the needle on critical health care initiatives. Before joining US of Care, Liz was a Senior Consultant with Transform Health, where she focused on federal policy and implementation of Sacramento’s Whole Person Care pilot program. Prior to her role at Transform Health, Liz was the Associate Director of Coverage Initiatives at Families USA and a Policy Analyst with Enroll America, where she primarily worked on eligibility and enrollment policies for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Health Insurance Marketplaces as well as coverage for the justice-involved population. She has been quoted in the New York Times, Washington Post, Kaiser Health News, Vox, NPR, and other news outlets across the country.
Liz holds a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) from George Washington University and a BA from Ohio State University.