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Building Confidence in the COVID-19 Vaccines

United States of Care is leading a national effort to offer trusted, science-based messaging to encourage vaccine uptake by packaging the best research findings into useable, resources to advise National and State Pandemic-Response Leaders, and partner with local organizations.

Since the pandemic began, our objective is to provide the best intelligence on what the public needs and the policies that will help keep people cared for, safe, and informed. Building confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine starts by meeting people where they are and encouraging them to seek the information they need from their doctors so they can make their personal choice to take the vaccine.

Our Approach

One of the biggest issues worldwide is the focus on vaccine education, outreach, and distribution efforts. Since the beginning of the pandemic, our research has shown that people across demographics want accurate information they can rely on to keep us and our families safe.

Peoples’ concerns about the vaccine are real and addressing these concerns now, early in the national vaccination process, is key for overall equitable vaccine distribution and protecting the most vulnerable.

People need to receive reliable, accurate information about the COVID-19 vaccinations. At USofCare, we recognize that people have important questions about the vaccine, and they deserve empathetic, straightforward answers as they consider if the vaccine is right for them. Building confidence starts by meeting people where they are and encouraging them to seek the information they need from their doctors so they can make their personal choice to take the vaccine.

Natalie Davis, Co-founder and Managing Director, Public Engagement, United States of Care

Our current initiative includes:

  • Advising national and state pandemic-response leaders
  • Leading elite research consortium
  • Monitoring, advising on, and conducting original targeted public opinion research
  • Packaging the best research findings into useable, authentic, and relevant resources

Our Partners & Supporters