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Federal Efforts, Research, Resources
Methods and Leading Practices for Advancing Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through Government
United States of Care recently submitted the following comments to the Office of Management and Budget’s Request for Information (RFI) on Methods and Leading Practices for Advancing Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through Government.
CMMI, Federal Efforts, Resources
May 18 Virtual Event: Bringing the Perspectives of People to CMMI: Real World Models and Recommendations for the CMS Innovation Center
In this virtual event, USofCare Director of Policy, Federal Affairs & Partnerships, Andrew Schwab, leads our guests in a lively, smart, and targeted discussion about the future of health care innovation and the CMS Innovation Center.
Research, Resources
What We Learned At Our Inaugural Leadership Council Retreat
In April, we convened a group of our Leadership Councilmembers to think through smart, people-centered policy changes for the future of our health care system. This report includes the ideas, feedback, and key elements from those discussions.
Research, Resources, Virtual Care
Barriers to Virtual Care Access Impacting Already Underserved Communities
Resources, Virtual Care
March 24 Webinar: Action Steps to Address Patients’ Barriers to Accessing Virtual Care
Research, Resources
March 17: Lessons Learned in Order to Build a Better Health Care System Going Forward
Panelists provide insights and reflections about community needs, workforce, long-term care, mental health and more.
Research, Resources, Virtual Care
Playbook – Older Adults’ Experience of Virtual Care: Action Steps to Increase Access and Equity
COVID-19, Resources
Feb 18 Webinar: Increasing COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence: Meeting People Where They Are
Mental Health, Resources
Feb 1 Webinar: State-Based Solutions For Connecting People to Mental Health Care & Addiction Recovery Services