Dependable Coverage
People want the certainty that they can afford their health care and the security and freedom that dependable health care coverage provides as life changes.
See why we’ve made dependable coverage a priority.
Affordability, Dependable Coverage
January 25 Virtual Event: Measuring our progress on enrollment
Dependable Coverage, Press Release, Public Option, State Efforts
ICYMI: A Week of Major Developments and Progress for Public Insurance Options
This past week included a series of major developments and progress, which we’re proud to be a part of.
Dependable Coverage, Public Option, State Efforts
State Public Health Insurance Option: Advancing Equitable, Affordable, and Dependable Coverage
COVID-19, Dependable Coverage, Public Option
COVID-19, Open Enrollment, and the Importance of Insurance Coverage
Dependable Coverage, Resources
November 18 Webinar: A System Under Stress: The State of Job-Connected Health Insurance
Dependable Coverage, News & Updates
US of Care Experts Study Employer-Sponsored Insurance Limits
Inside Health Policy story covers United States of Cares recent report around the history of job-connected health insurance.
Dependable Coverage, News & Updates
Health Plan Weekly: Report: Employer Sponsored Insurance Strained by Pandemic
USofCare highlights the challenges posed by the country’s reliance on job-connected health insurance.
Dependable Coverage, News & Updates
Politico Pulse: FIRST IN PULSE: US of Care Urges Employer Insurance Reform
USofCare is calling on Congress to overhaul the nation’s expensive workplace insurance system.
COVID-19, Dependable Coverage
COVID-19 Exposed the Fragility of Job-Connected Health Insurance For People and Employers