Hospital Fees, Listening Work, News & Updates, Research
New Report: The Role of Facility Fees in Prolonging Health Inequities
The Hidden Injustice of Hospital Facility Fees
Our new report, Behind the Bill: The Hidden Injustice of Facility Fees, shines a light on how certain populations’ access to affordable health care is disproportionately affected by hospital facility fees. The report discusses the disproportionate impact of these fees on communities of color, people with chronic and complex conditions, people in rural communities, and others- a symptom of how health care consolidation nationwide has led to reduced competition, increased prices, and inequitable consumer cost-sharing.
The report includes a series of recommendations for state and federal policymakers to limit the impact of these facility fees and promote greater health equity. We look forward to continuing to engage on this issue to ensure that all people, no matter their background, have access to affordable, equitable health care. This resource is also available on our microsite The Hidden Cost of Care.