News & Updates
Affordability, News & Updates, State Efforts
TIME: Forget ‘Repeal and Replace’ The One Issue Unifying Americans is Affordable Health Care
The one issue unifying Americans is affordable health care. Read this TIME article for more on how solutions to ensure affordable health care must come from the states, not Congress.
Affordability, News & Updates
Health Care Affordability: The View from the Kitchen Table
A new brief released today with our research partner Penn LDI discusses different ways to define health care affordability. Affordability can be defined as an economic concept, as a threshold established in law by policymakers, and, most importantly, the kitchen table perspective. Policymakers should carefully consider the conversations that happen around the kitchen table and whether their proposed solutions will help people who need it.
Affordability, News & Updates, Resources
What is “Affordable” Health Care?
“Affordability” of health care is a common concern, but the term is rarely defined. This brief considers the different types of affordability and reviews a range of measures that capture the cost burden for different types of individuals and families. It also identifies key issues policymakers should consider to transform affordability into a policy aim.
Affordability, News & Updates, Resources, State Efforts
Prescription Drug Prices: Problems, Solutions, and What States Can Do
The price of prescription drugs has increasingly been a topic of public concern over the last several years. Americans believe that Congress and the President are not doing enough about the problem. This brief identifies drivers of rising prescription drug costs and reviews ways that states can address them.
News & Updates, Resources, State Efforts
States Are Ready to Act
On our listening tour, USofCare has been learning from the health care leaders who are advancing state initiatives. We found that the desire for action on health care is strong, bipartisanship is emerging across the country, and states are eager for help and shared learning. We look forward to continuing to work with experts and advocates from across the country to support state solutions.
Federal Efforts, News & Updates
The Hill: Focus on states for health care solutions this midterm election
During the midterm election season, voters who care about health care should focus on state-level decision makers. Viable policy solutions on health care are highly unlikely to come out of our nation’s capital in the near future due to the political climate. This op-ed encourages voters to focus on candidates running for governor and state legislature instead of putting all their faith in federal candidates.
Minnesota, News & Updates, Resources, State Efforts
USofCare – Minnesota Health Care Policy Resource Guide
Minnesota faces important policy issues in both the long-term and immediate future. In our Health Care Policy Resource Guide, we lay out a health care to-do list for Minnesota, addressing immediate needs, 2019 health care priorities, and long-term priorities. We hope it will serve as a resource for current and potential policymakers, both state and federal, to familiarize themselves with the evolving health care landscape in the state.
News & Updates, State Efforts
Home State Listening Tour Stop
Last week, the United States of Care team continued our listening tour with events in our co-headquarters state of Minnesota, meeting with over 200 stakeholders working to find solutions to the health care challenges in the state. A highlight of our visit was the opportunity to spend time with United States of Care board member Senator Dave Durenberger. We brought together a panel of 30 stakeholders, which included a focus on the success and sustainability of existing efforts. United States of Care is planning to continue engaging with these stakeholders to be a partner in the continuing work to eliminate health inequities in Minnesota.
News & Updates, Research, Resources, State Efforts
USofCare Interested Parties Memo – 2019 Potential State Policy Trends
United States of Care has spent the last six months listening and learning from health care leaders in states across the country. We have visited four states and held conversations with more than 20. USofCare continues to work to fill gaps and help states make progress. Based on our outreach, we found several areas we believe state activity will be focused on.