News & Updates
News & Updates, Public Option, State Efforts
Pew Trusts: Medicaid ‘Buy-In’ Could Be a New Health Care Option for the Uninsured
Medicaid buy-in might be an appealing and affordable option, and it could even spur competition that could lower prices for everybody. At least 10 states are exploring this option, with some having concerns. Many questions about Medicaid Buy-in also remain unanswered. Read this article from Pew to learn more about the conversation around Medicaid Buy-in.
News & Updates, State Efforts
AJMC: CMS’ Boehler, NC Health Chief Cohen Talk Strategies at United States of Care Panel
At a United States of Care Panel, Mandy K. Cohen and Adam Boehler discussed state strategies to address health care costs and improve care. Cohen and Boehler talked about federal-state collaboration in pursuit of shared goals around value-based care, alternative payment models, and the challenge of convincing managed care organizations to accept 1-sided risk models. CMS has 4 points they keep in mind when making decisions about value-based transformation: patients as consumers, providers as accountable entities, payment for outcomes, and prevention. Ultimately, CMS wants to focus on prioritizing patients over stakeholders.
Affordability, News & Updates, State Efforts
Politics Aside, Americans Agree: States Can and Should Take Action on Health Care
Despite political divisions, Americans of all political affiliations agree that states can and should take action to improve health care. USofCare identified five areas in which strategic steps can be taken to build toward improving health care access for millions of Americans. These include making insurance more affordable and improving access to mental health care. Bipartisan support for state-led solutions offers hope for progress in addressing health care challenges in the US.
News & Updates
United States of Care Turns One
We launched USofCare to help everyone in this country gain access to affordable health care. Our goal is to focus on people, not politics, and we are energized by the progress we have made in our first year. Some of the highlights from our first year include our listening tour, research, and creation of policy resources. Looking ahead, we plan to use this knowledge as a national call to action, shaping policies and supporting reform efforts to make affordable health care a reality.
News & Updates
USofCare Inaugural Convening – Rundown
News & Updates
Key Takeaways From A Health Care Election
The 2018 midterm was a health care election. Regardless of political affiliation, people went to the ballot box with health care on their minds. Voters resoundingly supported Medicaid and protection for people with pre-existing conditions.
News & Updates, State Efforts
USofCare Applauds Passage of Medicaid Expansion Ballot Initiatives
With the passing of Prop. 2 in Idaho, Initiative 427 in Nebraska and Prop 3 in Utah, these three states become the most recent to join the list of states who have expanded Medicaid. The passage of these initiatives shows that when politicians fail to act, the people will. Now that the people have spoken, leaders in these states should move as quickly as possible to implement these expansions so people can get the care they need.
Mental Health, Minnesota, News & Updates, State Efforts
Duluth News Tribune – Tough days for those in pain – Minnesota must improve its mental health parity
Access to mental health services is elusive for many, and deaths from drug and alcohol misuse and suicide have skyrocketed. Few individuals who have a mental health need get the care they need. In Minnesota, mental health parity must be improved so that it is no longer seen as a separate and distinct element from physical care. Read the full op-ed on Duluth News Tribune.
News & Updates, State Efforts
In These Four Red States, Health Care is on the Ballot
Polling has consistently shown health care, and health care affordability, to be a top concern of voters heading towards Election Day. Tomorrow, voters in Utah, Nebraska, Idaho, and Montana have the chance to weigh in on health care initiatives and Medicaid expansion. We will be watching closely to see how voters weigh in and how elected officials respond. When you strip away political labels, Americans just want affordable health care.