Federal Efforts, News & Updates, Public Comments
USofCare Submits Comments In Response to CMS’s Proposals to Improve Medicaid Access and Managed Care Services
On July 3, United States of Care (USofCare) submitted two comment letters in response to two proposed rules by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Pulling from our listening work and our state-based advocacy efforts, we commend the agency for its efforts to expand and improve access to Medicaid in both Managed Care and Fee-For-Service settings, especially with regards to health equity.
The proposed rules, entitled “Medicaid Program; Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services” (known as the “access rule”) and “Medicaid Program; Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality” (known as the “managed care rule”), promote large-scale improvements to Medicaid in order to improve access and quality of care for enrollees.
USofCare commends the agency for its proposed changes related to network adequacy, rate transparency, Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), and beneficiary voice and engagement. Across both rules, USofCare highlights CMS’s proposed requirements for states to report out data and outcomes in an accessible, transparent manner, as well as the increased opportunities for stakeholder and beneficiary participation. While both rules offer states sorely-needed requirements to adequately compensate the direct care workforce, USofCare also encourages the agency to make further investments into informal and family caregivers.
USofCare is grateful for the opportunity to comment on both proposed rules and overall encourages their swift adoption.
Medicaid Access Rule
Medicaid Managed Care