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Press Release

United States of Care Responds to President Biden’s Proposed Budget for FY2024

Published On March 10, 2023

Washington, D.C. — Yesterday, the Biden Administration released the President’s Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2024. United States of Care (USofCare) applauds the Administration for releasing a budget that puts people at the center of health care. This budget will increase access to quality and affordable care for Black, Latino, Indigenous, low-income, and rural communities that are often underserved in our health care system. USofCare urges Congress to advance the President’s FY2024 Budget.

“Budgets are a key indication of an administration’s priorities. We are thrilled to see the Biden Administration prioritize health care initiatives that further health equity and expand access to high-quality, affordable health care,” said USofCare CEO and Co-Founder Natalie Davis. “We are particularly encouraged by areas of the budget that closely align with our mission and United Solutions for Care roadmap, such as policies to make the enhanced Affordable Care Act premium tax credits permanent, expand behavioral health coverage, support caregivers, lower prescription drug prices, expand access to Medicaid coverage and strengthen Medicaid solvency, require all states to provide 12 months of postpartum Medicaid coverage for beneficiaries, and invest robust funding for the Indian Health Service.”

At USofCare, we envision a health care system where every person can access health care regardless of who they are, how much money they make, or where they live. We believe that people want high quality care that is affordable, dependable, and personalized.

Earlier this week, USofCare applauded the Biden Administration for its proposal to extend Medicare solvency by at least 25 years and expand Medicare’s ability to negotiate drug prices and extend the inflationary rebate to the commercial market. Taken together, these policies expand access to care and advance health equity, including for people of color, who disproportionately report difficulty affording needed prescriptions.


About United States of Care

United States of Care is a nonpartisan organization committed to ensuring that everyone has access to quality, affordable health care.


Kevin Perez-Allen 

(714) 499-4481