New Mexico, Press Release, State Efforts
USofCare Applauds the Passage of New Mexico’s Medicaid Buy-in Act Out of Committee
Washington, D.C. — United States of Care (US of Care), a nonprofit dedicated to affordable health care for every single American, in response to the passage of the Medicaid Buy-in Act, HB 416 and SB 405, out of Committees in the New Mexico state legislature, has released the following statement from Emily Barson, Executive Director at United States of Care:
“United States of Care applauds the passage of the Medicaid Buy-in Act out of the House Health and Human Services committee and Senate Public Affairs Committee in the New Mexico state legislature.
Medicaid buy-in proposals, like New Mexico’s HB 416 and SB 405, are important first steps toward the goal of getting every American access to quality, affordable health care. This is further proof that states are leading the way on health care reform in the face of debilitating federal gridlock.”
More about New Mexico’s House Bill 416 and Senate Bill 405
HB 416 passed out of the House Health and Human Services Committee and on a 5-0 vote while SB 405 passed out of the Senate Public Affairs Committee on a 4-3 vote.
The bill, also known as the “Medicaid Buy-in Act” would begin to implement the first-in-the-nation public buy-in option. Beginning in 2021, the human services department would establish a Medicaid buy-in plan for all residents not eligible for Medicare, Medicaid or premium tax credits offered through the ACA Marketplace. The department may expand eligibility to additional residents after completing a feasibility study.
New Mexico’s bill would expand coverage to tens of thousands while offering a new option to consumers, reducing health care costs.
For more on Medicaid Buy-in, check out some of United States of Care’s resources:
Polling: Medicaid Buy-in: Crossing Healthcare’s Political Divide
Policy Memo: Medicaid Buy-in: State of Play