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New Mexico, Press Release, State Efforts

USofCare Applauds Passage of Funding for Additional Medicaid Buy-In Study in New Mexico

Published On March 19, 2019

Washington, DC – Statement from United States of Care Executive Director Emily Barson regarding the passage of a state budget including funding for further study of Medicaid buy-in:

“We applaud the New Mexico Together for Healthcare Coalition on their success in  advocating for the inclusion of new funding in the state’s budget for additional analysis of Medicaid buy-in, and the legislature’s directive to the Governor to seek a federal waiver in order to expand access to affordable health care for New Mexicans through a buy-in model.

This is a promising step, and we are encouraged to see the state’s policymakers responding to the needs of their constituents – 74% of whom support the creation of a Medicaid buy-in program. We will continue to support New Mexico and other states as they develop innovative solutions to address our country’s most pressing health care issues.”