Press Release
USofCare Issues Seven Recommendations to Improve State COVID-19 Testing
USofCare issued seven recommendations for improving the State COVID-19 testing landscape.
COVID-19, State Efforts
State Spotlight June 30, 2020
Check out this snapshot of the most innovative action we saw in states over the last two weeks.
COVID-19, Resources
June 24 Webinar: Actions to Plan, Prepare and Prevent COVID-19 Surges
As we learn to live with this virus until a vaccine is discovered, actions can be taken to prepare for future waves of the virus.
Press Release
USofCare, Board & Founder’s Council Share Input on Pandemic Preparedness to US Senate
USofCare provided feedback to US Senator Lamar Alexander, Chairman of the Senate Health Committee/
COVID-19, State Efforts
State COVID-19 Testing Landscape
The Effects of COVID-19: Small Business Owner Interview
COVID-19, Federal Efforts
USofCare’s Response to U.S. Senate on Pandemic Preparedness
USofCare provided feedback to US Senator Lamar Alexander, Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.
COVID-19, State Efforts
State Spotlight June 18, 2020
Check out this snapshot of the most innovative action we saw in states over the last week.
COVID-19, Resources
COVID-19 and Beyond: Recover, Reopen and Rebuild by Investing in Community Health