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Press Release

USofCare Applauds New Cassidy-Hassan Site-Neutral Framework and Fair Billing Policy Reforms

Published On November 1, 2024

The Cassidy-Hassan site-neutral billing framework would promote fairness and transparency with hospital prices

Washington, DC — Today, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) unveiled a comprehensive framework for establishing site-neutral payment policy reforms and reinvesting savings into rural and safety net health care providers. If enacted, these reforms would lower costs for people by ensuring hospitals are charging patients the same prices for the same health care services regardless of where the service was delivered. In response, United States of Care issued the following statement:

“We know from our listening work that cost is the primary source of anxiety for people when seeking health care, and that it often keeps them from seeking the care they need in the first place,” said United States of Care CEO and Co-Founder Natalie Davis. “Enacting site-neutral payment policy that establishes fairness and promotes transparency in hospital pricing is a critical step towards making premiums more affordable and addressing the high out-of-pocket costs that people are facing. Additionally, by including patient-first (or “value-based”) health care payment model reforms in this framework and investing the savings from establishing site-neutral policy into rural hospitals, lawmakers can ensure that rural communities continue to have access to high-quality, affordable health care while helping providers deliver the whole-person care experience that we know people want.

“Targeted solutions like these strike at the core of what people want changed with our health care system. I applaud Sens. Cassidy and Hassan for their hard work and commitment in driving these bipartisan reforms that will help promote transparency, fairness, and a better health care experience. We look forward to working with the Senators to develop the legislative bill text and lower health care costs to build a better health care system.”


About United States of Care
United States of Care is a nonpartisan organization committed to ensuring that everyone has access to quality, affordable health care.

Adam Wilkerson
(314) 852-7718