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Colorado, Resources, State Efforts

Colorado 2020 Health Care Legislative Guide

Published On August 10, 2020

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Health care access and cost remains one of the most important problems facing America.

  • The uninsured rate in Colorado was 6.5 percent (361,000 Coloradans) in 2019.
  • Colorado’s unemployment rate jumped from a low of 2.5% in February to 11.3% in April and was 10.5% in June, which likely has severed hundreds of thousands of Coloradans from their employer sponsored insurance.
  • During the Connect for Health Colorado special enrollment period, 14,263 Coloradans enrolled in health insurance from March 20 to April 30, 2020.
  • In Colorado, a disproportionate number of those infected (48.5% on June 30) by COVID-19 are Black, Indigenous, and people of color while making up only 32% of the state’s population.
  • Access to health care in rural areas has only become more challenging during the pandemic and will likely have lasting impacts on rural communities. As of June 30th, the top five counties with the highest cases per 100,000 people (Logan, Morgan, Saguache, Eagle, and Crowley) were rural or frontier counties.
  • Seniors are at greatest risk. Older adults ages 60+ make up 89.5% of COVID deaths in the state as of June 30th, while only attributing to 20% of the state’s population.
  • A May budget forecast from legislative economists expects the coronavirus to make a $6.8 billion dent in state tax revenue over the next three years.

The COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated the need for practical solutions that address both the immediate challenges and the long-term gaps in our health care systems to ensure Coloradans can access quality health care they can afford.

Key Messages for Candidates:

  • Acknowledge the moment: “Our country is at a pivotal moment. The pandemic, economic recession, and national discussion on race have created a renewed call for action. They have also magnified the critical problems that exist in our health care system.”
  • Take an active stance: “It is long past time to examine our systems and address gaps that have existed for decades. We must find solutions and common ground to build a health care system that serves everyone.”
  • Commit to prioritizing people’s needs: “I will put people’s health care needs first and I’m already formalizing the ways I gather input and work with community and business leaders to put effective solutions in place.”
  • Commit to addressing disparities and finding common ground: “The health care system, as it’s currently structured, isn’t working for far too many. I will work to address the lack of fairness and shared needs to build a health care system that works for all of us.”

Health Care During the COVID Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated the need for effective solutions that address both the immediate challenges and the long-term gaps in our health care systems to ensure people can access quality health care they can afford.  In the wake of COVID, policymakers have a critical opportunity to enact solutions to meet their constituents’ short- and long-term health care needs. The 2020 Health Care Legislative Candidate Guide provides candidates with public opinion data, state-specific health care information, key messages and ideas for your health care platform.

Download the Pocket Guide

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