News & Updates
Affordability, Federal Efforts, News & Updates, Resources
FACT SHEET: Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra Challenges Preventive Services Requirement Under the Affordable Care Act
Affordability, Nevada, News & Updates, Public Option, State Efforts
USofCare Overview of Nevada’s Recent and Promising Public Option Actuarial Analysis
In June 2021, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak signed into law legislation making Nevada the second state to establish a public…
News & Updates, Research, Resources
Maternal and Child Health Medicaid Policy Landscape & State Trends
In the United States, maternal deaths and pregnancy-related complications occur at shocking rates. The number of maternal deaths each year…
Federal Efforts, News & Updates, Public Comments
United States of Care Submits Comments in Response to the Release of the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule
On September 6, 2022, the United States of Care submitted the following comments in response to the release of the…
Affordability, News & Updates, Oregon, Public Option, State Efforts
USofCare and OSPIRG Collaborate to Summarize Oregon’s Bridge Plan Task Force Preliminary Recommendations
In the below brief, USofCare and OSPIRG summarize the Task Force’s preliminary recommendations for implementation of the Bridge Plan.
Affordability, Dependable Coverage, Federal Efforts, News & Updates, Press Release
United States of Care Applauds Full Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act
Today, United States of Care celebrated the House of Representatives’ passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. The bill, which is now headed to the President’s desk, will ease the burden of health care costs for millions of people and provide them security in their coverage for years to come.
Federal Efforts, News & Updates
USofCare Responds to Federal Request for Information on How to Strengthen to Primary Health Care
On August 1, 2022, USofCare submitted the below comments to the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of…
Federal Efforts, News & Updates
United States of Care statement on the Monkeypox virus designation as a federal public health emergency
Washington, D.C. — Today, United States of Care CEO and co-founder Natalie Davis issued the following statement in response to…
Federal Efforts, News & Updates, Press Release
United States of Care Statement: Biden Administration Centers Health Equity in Proposed Rule to Strengthen Protections against Discrimination Under Affordable Care Act
United States of Care CEO and co-founder Natalie Davis issued the following statement following Monday’s publication of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Section 1557 Nondiscrimination in Health Care under of the Affordable Care Act.