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United States of Care Joins 34 other Health Advocacy and Public Health Organizations in an Amicus Brief to the Supreme Court in Support of Cost-Free Coverage of Preventive Services

Published On October 21, 2024

Earlier today, United States of Care joined 34 other organizations voicing their support for continued cost-free coverage of preventive care services in an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in the Braidwood Management, Inc. v. Becerra court case. The amicus brief highlights the importance of free access to these services, such as cancer screenings and HIV prevention medication, and how they improve health outcomes by reducing the incidence and severity of many decisions and conditions. If the courts rule against the no-cost mandate, fewer people will seek this form of care, cause confusion amongst patients, and exacerbate health disparities.

The brief encourages the Supreme Court to take up this case to ensure that people maintain access to these services nationwide. Should the Supreme Court do so, a decision is expected no later than July 2025.

A full list of the organizations that signed onto amicus brief can be found below:

  • United States of Care
  • Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation
  • Lambda Legal
  • AcademyHealth
  • AIDS Alabama
  • AIDS Foundation Chicago
  • AIDS United
  • American Lung Association
  • Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
  • Colorado Consumer Health Initiative
  • Community Catalyst
  • Equality California
  • Families USA
  • Georgia AIDS Coalition
  • GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders
  • GO2 for Lung Cancer
  • Health Care Voices
  • HIV and Hepatitis Policy Institute
  • Justice in Aging
  • LUNGevity Foundation
  • Michigan League for Public Policy
  • National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness
  • National Coalition of STD Directors
  • National Partnership for Women & Families
  • National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable
  • Pennsylvania Health Access Network
  • Positive Women’s Network-USA
  • PrEP4All
  • Protect Our Care
  • Public Health Law Center
  • SERO Project
  • Treatment Action Group
  • Truth Initiative
  • U.S. People LIving with HIV Caucus
  • United States of Care
  • Vivent Health
  • Young Invincibles